Supporters Against Sexual Violence (SASV)




WHO are the Supporters Against Sexual Violence (SASV)?

The Supporters Against Sexual Violence is an initiative of CASV and is a voluntary women’s social action group comprising of survivors and victims of sexual violence and female advocates who have completed the Social Action program run by CASV.

The aims of SASV are to.

  • Raise awareness
  • Educate
  • Stop the silence
  • Implement social change


  1. To take the lead in eradicating sexual violence through awareness, education, and community engagement in Logan.
  2. To implement social change by being vocal about sexual violence and not letting our voices (SASV) be silenced.
  3. To be a “positive influence” in the community
  4. To be able to self-care and use appropriate boundaries.
  5. To support each other


Activism/Community Education: 

  • Roadside Vigils across Logan throughout the year 
  • Courier mail – Supporters Against Sexual Violence (SASV) speaking up for survivor’s rights to access specialist sexual violence support services where and when they need support across Queensland.  
  • Met with Police Commissioner to talk about the roll out of Sexual Violence Liaison Officers in Queensland
  • Met with Police Minister, Minister for Communities and Minister Training and Skills Development
  • Met with Women’s Safety and Justice Taskforce and was directly quoted in the “Hear her voice” report
  • Marched in Reclaim the Night rallies
  • Writing letters of advocacy
  • Community and information stalls

Sexual Violence Awareness Campaigns:


  • Participated as guest speakers in various events including AGMs, Candle Lighting Ceremonies, QLD Parliament House.
  • Movie days at CASV
  • International Women’s Day event


Participating and taking a lead at various CASV workshops

  • Banner making workshop.
  • What does feminism in 2020 look like?
  • What is Feminism training?

Giving back to survivors/victims: 

  • Making sensory bags to give to every new client that attends at CASV.
  • Making affirmation cards and Badges for clients
  • My Voice, My Story, My Healing Morning Tea

Fundraising for SASV

  • Various Raffles held at CASV
  • Various Grant applications


If you are interested in joining SASV, please contact CASV for more information.


Special thanks to QLD Government and Logan City Council for grant funding, and Advanced Business Technologies for their continued donations.

Thank you to CASV for continued support of SASV

Donations can be made to: Centre Against Sexual Violence Inc Donation – BSB: 633-000 –  Account Number: 131323156 Please note your name and SASV as reference. Thank you

General Enquiries

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Self Referral Form

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When we call you, the call will come from a private phone number

External Agency Referral Form

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Therapeutic goals, recent trigger/s, support or information required
Please fill this question to the best of your ability based on the information you have already received from the client
Please fill this question to the best of your ability based on the information you have already received from the client
Please fill this question to the best of your ability based on the information you have already received from the client
Please fill this question to the best of your ability based on the information you have already received from the client
Please fill this question to the best of your ability based on the information you have already received from the client
Please fill this question to the best of your ability based on the information you have already received from the client
Please fill this question to the best of your ability based on the information you have already received from the client
The National Redress Scheme provides support to people who experienced institutional child sexual abuse.
Please fill this question to the best of your ability based on the information you have already received from the client
Please fill this question to the best of your ability based on the information you have already received from the client
Suicide, self-harm, substance use, domestic violence, mental health issues, ongoing harm or risk of harm